Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pisces Solar Eclipse

Alongside the moon

Pisces Solar Eclipse 
Written By: Nicole Reavy

Hello Fellow Earth Travelers,

I can feel the presence of my friend, teacher, and mentor that passed away on
the Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago. It has been a tremendous loss in my life. I miss him dearly. I am going to integrate some of his teachings in this blog. They are influenced from his book, The Zodiac Within You.

Today, February 26, 2017, is the Pisces Solar Eclipse. Pisces is co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. It is connected to the element of water and the 12th house. It is a mutable sign. Some of the characteristics of Pisces are intuition, vision, trust, and compassion. The key phrase for Pisces is, I envision. Pisces rules the feet. In the chakra system it is connected to the 6th Chakra. The 6th chakra is our inner vision, intuition, spiritual insight.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the moon gets between the earth and the sun and the moon casts a shadow over the earth. It can only take place at the phase of the new moon. Right now the moon is at the perfect distance to appear in our sky exactly the same size as the sun, and therefore block it out.

Inner Development Journal

This Solar Eclipse is planting our seeds for the next year. The next four weeks is asking and showing us a snap shot of our year ahead. This is a time to spend time meditating and reflecting. Notice what your inner vision is trying to show you. Spend quiet time in meditation, nature, or simply just being will be insightful during this time. Here are some meditations to reflect on in your journal; I am trusting the overview and intuition of my inner guidance. I am inspired with blessings and grace to live the reality of miracle-mindedness.

My teacher wrote a book called, Encodings of Light. The encodings recommended for Pisces are: I am trusting whatever and whoever is trustworthy, I am envisioning a harmonious, peaceful, and sane world.

Flow with the wisdom of your intuition through the mysterious waters of life. You can never go wrong if you trust yourself. Take some time to tune in and listen to what you are feeling. Your feelings know a lot. Play and practice with trusting them by acting on them. Explore this in small ways and see what happens. You never know what will happen until you act on your intuition. It takes courage and I promise you, it is worth it!

Sending you many blessings of clarity, unity, and compassion during this Pisces Solar Eclipse.

Love and gratitude to all of you!

Walk in Love and Beauty!

Nicole Reavy

Friday, February 10, 2017

Alongside The Moon
Image result for lunar eclipseLeo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
By: Nicole Reavy

Hello Beautiful Beings!

Happy Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! This takes place today February 10, 2017. I hope you are all dancing playfully with the energy. The Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be even more potent if your sun, moon, or rising sign is in Leo.

I notice that this has been a day surrounding matters of the heart for me. The energy is powerful. Interestingly enough, Leo rules the heart center and spine. The sun rules the sign of Leo. Leo is a fixed fire sign. The element of fire is connected to our emotions. You may notice that your emotions have taken a front seat today. If this is the case, grounding yourself will be helpful. Take a walk outside, dance, do something creative. It is important to support your body during the lunar energy. One way to do this is to eat root vegetables or foods grown beneath the earth in order to increase “lunar energy”.

The Lunar Eclipse is also the manifestation of the seeds planted six months ago. Reflect back on what seeds you planted six months ago. How are these seeds showing up in your life now? What seeds do you want to plant and nourish for the next six months? At the full moon we can keep ourselves open to the revelations and insights which we may easily access at this time. During this time we can allow the light of our consciousness to intensify and expand so that we may clearly perceive our relationships to ourselves, other people and the world around us. This is potent energy available for our transformation.

Remember this is a Lunar Eclipse and this involves a blockage of the light transmitted by the Sun or Moon to the earth, and may influence us by actually blocking the light of consciousness and forcing us to deal more deeply with subconscious as well as collective forces. Please take good care of your precious selves during this time.

Inner Development Journal: Cultivate what makes you shine.

How are you nurturing your inner child? When is the last time you allowed your heart to speak in the clear air? What makes you shine? How can you integrate more play into your life? I invite you to explore these questions in your journal, and bring them into your life.  

Image result for lunar eclipse
Go have some fun! Leo loves to have fun and to be the ruler of their kingdom. Are you owning your inner authority? If not, how might you connect to this place inside, and make decisions that do honor your inner authority? Is there something you loved to do as a child that you can give yourself permission to do now. I invite you to give yourself permission to engage in this activity. For me, it is dancing and painting. These were my two favorites as a child. I am learning to allow my inner child to become more balanced in my psyche. Set aside time in your life for this play. You will be surprised how much fun you can have, if you allow yourself. Give yourself permission to explore and be curious. Make a mess! Go play in the sandbox, you never know you might just find the perfect playmate!

I am wishing you many blessings during this Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! May you all dance to your hearts music with the loving support of the Moon!

As I finishing writing this, I just learned of my astrology teacher’s passing. I am saddened by the loss, and I also am so grateful to have had such an amazing teacher in my life. I am sending him all my love! Thank you Anold Lane! I love you!

Dance in Love and Beauty!


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Blog 2: The Aquarius New Moon

The Aquarius New Moon
Alongside the Moon
By: Nicole Reavy

Hello Beautiful Beings!
I hope the last two weeks of the Full Solstice Moon have been supportive of what you want to nourish in your life. I have continued to reflect on what truly nourishes me. In this process, I have made choices that cultivate a sense of compassion toward myself. I notice that I am more aware of how I spend my time. Through this practice, I have been able to bring a more grounded sense of well-being into my life.

As we continue our walk together, alongside the Moon, we move into the energy of the Aquarius New Moon. This occurs on Friday the 27th of January. The Aquarius New Moon’s influence will last for four weeks. You will feel the energy of the Aquarius New moon even stronger if you have your sun, moon, or rising sign in Aquarius. Aquarius is connected to the ankles and circulatory system. It is also co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn correlates with the crown chakra, and Uranus correlates to the fifth chakra. The keyword for Aquarius is, I befriend.

The Aquarius New Moon supports us with planting seeds of change and freedom. This can be change that comes quickly and unexpectedly. Aquarius is an air sign, and is connected to the mind and innovative ideas. It nudges us to think outside of the box. It is considered the “rebel” of the zodiac. The Aquarius New Moon also emphasizes our goals, friendships, and unusual groups and communities.

My moon in my chart is in the sign of Aquarius. I notice that as I write this, I am invited to join an unusual community. This feels right in alignment with this Aquarius New Moon.

Perhaps, some of the questions you were able to ask yourself over the last two weeks have brought some clarity as to what you want to change in your life. Maybe you are full of ideas for future goals? Wherever you are on your journey welcome change with the support of others.

Here are some questions to bring to your journal or your day to day dialogue with yourself and others. What seeds of change do I want to plant with the energy of the Aquarius New Moon? Are there any sudden insights that I can be open to now? How can I implement the higher order of change, and create more freedom for myself and others?

Remember, you are always supported by the moon.  Recognize your brilliant insights that align with your highest goals. Many blessings to all of you! May the brilliance of insights and change bring you comfort for the beauty that is to come.

Comments are welcomed and appreciated! If you feel inspired by this blog, or simply just want to share with your friends and community, please do! I look forward to connecting on the next full moon! Sending you many moon blessings! 

Walk in Love and Beauty,
Nicole Reavy

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cancer Solstice Full Moon

by Nicole Reavy at Maitri Healing Arts

Hello to all of you beautiful beings! I am finally writing my first Astrology blog! It is scary and exhilarating! I am honored and grateful to be stepping out into the world and being of service in this way. I have been in love with the profound world of Astrology since beginning my initial studies at the age of 12. Even though I grew up in a Mormon culture, I was magnetized to understanding the deeper mysteries of the cosmos, and how they affect all of us. The energy of the moon has always resonated deeply with me. It feels in alignment to begin my blog with the supportive, and nurturing energy of our lovely moon in the sign of Cancer. I am so grateful to share it with all of you!

     The Cancer Solstice Full Moon occurs today, January 12.  The energy carries us through the next two weeks.  It is the strongest Full Moon we have during the year. This is outside of the solar and lunar eclipses that occur twice a year. This Cancer Solstice Full Moon will be even stronger if the sign of Cancer is your sun, moon, or rising. What makes this Full Moon so strong? The sign of Cancer is naturally ruled by the Moon. It is at home here. This means that it is able to express itself even more powerfully. The Moon is connected to our feelings, the element of water, and our first chakra.

What Nourishes You?

     The Moon represents what nourishes us, our bodies, mother, past, ancestors, feelings, instincts, and the feminine. It also reflects home, safety, security, and endings and beginnings.
Where the Moon is placed within your natal chart speaks to what is nourishing for you. I have my moon in the 12th house. This indicates that time alone and in meditation is very nourishing for me. If you do not know where your Moon is located in your chart, you can go to to upload your chart. You will need your date, time and place of birth.

     The Cancer Solstice Full Moon also reminds us that the Sun and the Moon are harmonic in nature. How do we bring more harmony into our own lives between the energy of action/receptivity, and masculine/ feminine? We can begin by asking ourselves some questions; listen and honor the answers that we receive. How do I cultivate a deeper connection to myself and my own inner guidance? What nourishes me? What is supportive in my life? What do I want to nurture? What do I need to let go of that is no longer nourishing me? Through this internal dialogue we can facilitate the process of growth and integration. This will support our relationship with our internal lunar energies. Remember that the moon is the most transitional out of all the planets that influence our lives?

Inner Development Journal: A Practice to Support Nourishing Yourself
      I invite you to create a journal to explore some of these questions and intentions further. I call it an inner development journal. In your journal, write down your intentions in regard to your growth. Before starting, take some time to reflect on your primary goals in regard to yourself and what you most want to actualize.
I like to write my intentions as if they already exist in the present. I practice that by beginning my intention with: thank you for. Remember you can update this at any time.
     Also, record daily experiences of which you FEEL good about in regards to your relationship with yourself, activities and other people. This section of your journal can be the nourishment section. Record at least three nourishing experiences that occur every day. Pay the most attention to the experiences that reflect your intentions. This can be completed at night when you are reviewing your day. Allow yourself to FEEL good when writing these down. In time, you will pay more attention to your positive growth related experiences. As a result, you will need less from others, and will be able to receive what others have to give you more fully. Through the cultivation of these practices you will begin to see a shift in your life. The energy of the Cancer Full Solstice Moon will support your process to bring more nourishment and well-being into your life.

      I am wishing you many Moon blessings. Soak in the silver lunar energy over the next two weeks.       I will be writing about planting the seeds of the New Moon on the 26th of January. Until then, take wonderful care of your beautiful selves!
 With Love and Compassion,

Nicole Reavy