Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cancer Solstice Full Moon

by Nicole Reavy at Maitri Healing Arts

Hello to all of you beautiful beings! I am finally writing my first Astrology blog! It is scary and exhilarating! I am honored and grateful to be stepping out into the world and being of service in this way. I have been in love with the profound world of Astrology since beginning my initial studies at the age of 12. Even though I grew up in a Mormon culture, I was magnetized to understanding the deeper mysteries of the cosmos, and how they affect all of us. The energy of the moon has always resonated deeply with me. It feels in alignment to begin my blog with the supportive, and nurturing energy of our lovely moon in the sign of Cancer. I am so grateful to share it with all of you!

     The Cancer Solstice Full Moon occurs today, January 12.  The energy carries us through the next two weeks.  It is the strongest Full Moon we have during the year. This is outside of the solar and lunar eclipses that occur twice a year. This Cancer Solstice Full Moon will be even stronger if the sign of Cancer is your sun, moon, or rising. What makes this Full Moon so strong? The sign of Cancer is naturally ruled by the Moon. It is at home here. This means that it is able to express itself even more powerfully. The Moon is connected to our feelings, the element of water, and our first chakra.

What Nourishes You?

     The Moon represents what nourishes us, our bodies, mother, past, ancestors, feelings, instincts, and the feminine. It also reflects home, safety, security, and endings and beginnings.
Where the Moon is placed within your natal chart speaks to what is nourishing for you. I have my moon in the 12th house. This indicates that time alone and in meditation is very nourishing for me. If you do not know where your Moon is located in your chart, you can go to to upload your chart. You will need your date, time and place of birth.

     The Cancer Solstice Full Moon also reminds us that the Sun and the Moon are harmonic in nature. How do we bring more harmony into our own lives between the energy of action/receptivity, and masculine/ feminine? We can begin by asking ourselves some questions; listen and honor the answers that we receive. How do I cultivate a deeper connection to myself and my own inner guidance? What nourishes me? What is supportive in my life? What do I want to nurture? What do I need to let go of that is no longer nourishing me? Through this internal dialogue we can facilitate the process of growth and integration. This will support our relationship with our internal lunar energies. Remember that the moon is the most transitional out of all the planets that influence our lives?

Inner Development Journal: A Practice to Support Nourishing Yourself
      I invite you to create a journal to explore some of these questions and intentions further. I call it an inner development journal. In your journal, write down your intentions in regard to your growth. Before starting, take some time to reflect on your primary goals in regard to yourself and what you most want to actualize.
I like to write my intentions as if they already exist in the present. I practice that by beginning my intention with: thank you for. Remember you can update this at any time.
     Also, record daily experiences of which you FEEL good about in regards to your relationship with yourself, activities and other people. This section of your journal can be the nourishment section. Record at least three nourishing experiences that occur every day. Pay the most attention to the experiences that reflect your intentions. This can be completed at night when you are reviewing your day. Allow yourself to FEEL good when writing these down. In time, you will pay more attention to your positive growth related experiences. As a result, you will need less from others, and will be able to receive what others have to give you more fully. Through the cultivation of these practices you will begin to see a shift in your life. The energy of the Cancer Full Solstice Moon will support your process to bring more nourishment and well-being into your life.

      I am wishing you many Moon blessings. Soak in the silver lunar energy over the next two weeks.       I will be writing about planting the seeds of the New Moon on the 26th of January. Until then, take wonderful care of your beautiful selves!
 With Love and Compassion,

Nicole Reavy

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